456 Contoh Sinonim Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya Terlengkap โ Dikutip dari dictionary.com, synonym is a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language. Maksudnya, sinonim adalah kata yang mempunyai persamaan arti atau arti yang hampir sama dalam sebuah bahasa.
Persamaan kata atau dalam bahasa Inggris disebut juga dengan โsynonymโ tentu sangat diperlukan untuk memperkaya perbendaharaan kata sekaligus meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara (speaking ability) sahabat BDBI semua.
Oleh karena itu kami telah merangkum kumpulan sinonim bahasa Inggris plus juga dengan artinya yang biasa keluar di Ujian Nasional baik tingkat SMP maupun SMA. Seperti apa sinonimnya? Langsung saja kita simak bersama-sama!
456 Contoh Sinonim Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya
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Silahkan sahabat gunakan kolom pencarian dibawah ini, agar sinonim yang dicari dapat sahabat temukan dengan cepat! Dalam database tabel ini telah kami masukkan lebih dari 400 sinonim bahasa Inggris lho. Wow! Selamat mencari! ๐
[table โโ not found /][infobox style=”alert-gradient”]
Sengaja kami tampilkan 10 sinonim/halamannya. Klik ‘next‘ untuk melihat sinonim lainnya. Atau sahabat juga dapat melihat daftar lengkapnya pada daftar dibawah ini. Semoga bermanfaat ya untuk sahabat semua. ๐
Contoh Sinonim Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya
- a local —> a native —> lokal / penduduk asli
- a story —> a narrative —> cerita
- abandon —> desert —> mengabaikan, meninggalkan
- abandoned —> deserted —> ditinggalkan, diabaikan
- abroad —> overseas —> di luar negeri
- absent —> away —> tidak hadir
- accomplice —> confederate —> kaki tangan, sekutu
- achieve —> accomplish —> mencapai
- act —> behave —> beraksi
- additional —> extra —> tambahan
- advantage —> virtue —> keuntungan
- affect —> bear on sth. —> mempengaruhi
- affect —> impact —> mempengaruhi
- affluent —> prosperous —> makmur
- airtight —> hermetic —> kedap udara
- all-powerful —> omnipotent —> mahakuasa
- anonymous —> nameless —> tak dikenal
- apart from —> except —> selain
- appealing —> attractive —> menarik
- appoint —> nominate —> menunjuk
- approach —> near —> pendekatan
- approximately —> about —> kira kira
- assassin —> murderer —> pembunuh
- assembly —> meeting —> pertemuan
- assess —> evaluate —> menilai
- associate, put through (telephone) —> connect —> terhubung
- autopsy —> post-mortem —> autopsi
- awful —> lousy —> mengerikan
- backside, behind, bottom —> bum —> belakang, belakang, bawah
- bancrupt —> insolvent —> bangkrut, pailit
bare—>naked—>telanjang#oops maaf ya ๐
- behind, bottom —> backside —> belakang
- besides —> anyway —> lagi pula, selain itu
- bill —> invoice —> faktur, tagihan
- biological —> organic —> alami / hayati
- blow up —> explode —> meledakkan
- break down —> collapse —> kegagalan
- brow —> forehead —> kening, dahi
- build up —> accumulate —> mengumpulkan
- burglary —> housebreaking —> penggarongan
- by the way —> incidentally —> ngomong-ngomong
- campaign —> crusade —> kampanye
- cannabis —> hashish —> ganja
- casual —> informal —> tak resmi, santai
- catastrophe —> disaster —> malapetaka, bencana
- cause —> bring on —> sebab
- certain —> sure —> tertentu
- childish —> infantile —> kekanak-kanakan
- choice —> selection —> pilihan
- choose —> select —> memilih
- chorus —> refrain —> ulangan (lagu)
- clarify; light up —> illuminate —> menerangi
- clash —> conflict —> bentrokan
- classify —> categorise (be) —> mengelompokkan
- clear —> lucid —> jelas
- cold —> bloodless —> dingin
- come across —> encounter —> menemukan
- comedian —> comic —> pelawak
- comment —> remark —> komentar, ulasan
- commerce, trade —> business —> perdagangan, perdagangan
- committed —> dedicated —> melakukan, mempersembahkan
- communicate —> convey —> menyampaikan
- compliment —> praise —> pujian
- comply —> conform —> memenuhi
- comprehensible —> understandable —> terpahamkan
- compulsory —> obligatory —> wajib
- conceited —> immodest —> sombong
- conference —> convention —> pertemuan, rapat
- confess —> admit —> mengakui
- confident —> self-assured —> percaya diri
- conjuror —> magican —> tukang sulap
- conquer —> vanquish —> menaklukkan
- considerable —> appreciable —> sangat, lumayan
- considerably —> substantially —> sangat
- consolation —> comfort —> penghiburan
- constitution —> charter —> piagam
- contaminate —> infect —> mencemari
- contemporary —> modern —> kontemporer
- continual —> continuous —> terus-menerus
- continuous —> non-stop —> terus-menerus
- convert —> transform —> mengubah
- convinced —> satisfied —> yakin
- corny, tacky —> cheesy —> klise, norak, kurang baik
- corridor —> hall —> koridor, ruang
- corrupt —> deprave —> korup, merusak
- courageous —> brave —> berani
- crafty —> artful —> licik
- cranium —> skull —> tengkorak
- crazy —> loopy —> gila
- criminal —> crook —> penjahat
- cruel —> merciless —> kejam
- cultivate —> domesticate —> mengolah
- cunning —> foxy —> licik
- cut —> chop —> memotong
- dawn —> daybreak —> fajar
- dawn —> sunrise —> fajar
- deadlock —> impasse —> jalan buntu
- deadly —> lethal —> mematikan
- decoration —> ornament —> dekorasi
- decrease —> diminish —> mengurangi
- defeat —> beat —> mengalahkan
- degree —> measure —> ukuran
- deliberately —> knowingly —> sengaja, dengan sadar
- delicious —> scrumptious —> lezat
- delight —> joy —> kesenangan
- demonstrate —> illustrate —> menjelaskan
- denote —> denote —> mengindikasikan, mewakili
- deny —> disclaim —> menyangkal
- department —> branch —> cabang, bagian
- dependable —> reliable —> dapat dipercaya
- depressing —> miserable —> menyedihkan
- deprived —> disadvantaged —> kekurangan
- deregulate —> decontrol —> deregulasi
- detachable —> removable —> dapat dipindah/ dilepas
- devout —> religious —> taat, sholeh
- dice —> cube —> dadu
- differ —> vary —> berbeda
- directions —> instructions —> arahan, petunjuk
- dirty —> soiled —> kotor
- disgusting —> revolting —> menjijikkan
- disregard —> ignore —> mengabaikan
- distinguish —> differentiate —> membedakan
- distress —> misery —> kesulitan
- distribute —> hall —> mendistribusikan
- distrust —> mistrust —> ketidakpercayaan, kecurigaan
- domestic —> home —> lokal
- doubtful —> dubious —> ragu-ragu
- drift —> float —> mengapung
- dusk —> nightfall —> senja
- emigrate —> migrate —> beremigrasi
- emotionless —> impassive —> tenang, tak emosi
- emptiness —> vacancy —> kekosongan, lowongan
- endanger —> hazard —> membahayakan
- engaged —> busy (telephone) —> sibuk, terhubung
- entail —> ivolve —> memerlukan
- enthusiast —> fanatic —> penggemar
- envious —> jealous —> iri, dengki, cemburu
- environment —> surroundings —> lingkungan hidup
- essential —> necessary —> penting
- eternal —> everlasting —> kekal
- exaggerate —> magnify —> membesar-besarkan
- examine —> inspect —> memeriksa
- excessive —> immoderate —> terlalu banyak
- external —> outside —> luar
- fabric —> material —> kain
- fair —> reasonable —> layak, pantas
- fairly —> quite —> cukup
- fairness —> equity —> keadilan
- famed, renowned —> famous —> terkenal, terkenal
- famous —> noted —> terkenal
- fate —> destiny —> takdir, nasib
- faulty —> defective —> salah, cacat, salah
- favourable —> beneficial —> barmanfaat, baik
- fidelity —> constancy —> kesetiaan
- file —> dossier —> arsip, catatan
- film —> movie —> film
- final —> last —> terakhir
- final —> ultimate —> terakhir
- fitting —> becoming —> menjadi serasi, menyelaraskan
- fixed —> constant —> tetap
- flexible —> bendy —> lunak, mudah disesuaikan
- foolish —> silly —> bodoh
- forehead —> brow —> dahi, kening
- fortunately —> happily —> untungnya
- fragile —> delicate —> rapuh
- fragrant —> aromatic —> harum
- free of charge —> gratis —> cuma-cuma
- function —> operate —> menjalankan
- fundamental —> essential —> mendasar
- furious —> livid —> geram
- gap —> hole —> celah, jarak
- gather —> collect —> mengumpulkan
- generally,normally —> usually —> umumnya, biasanya
- generous —> beneficiant —> murah hati
- gentle —> mild —> lemah lembut
- get —> receive —> mendapatkan
- give up —> renounce —> menyerah
- good-looking —> handsome —> enak dilihat, ganteng
- graduation —> commencement —> wisuda
- great, brilliant —> fantastic —> besar, brilian
- greedy —> grasping —> serakah
- grumble —> grouse —> ngomel
- guarantee —> assure —> jaminan, garansi
- guarantee —> warrantly —> menjamin
- habitable —> liveable —> berhuni
- hairstyle —> coiffure —> potongan rambut
- halfway —> midway —> setengah jalan
- harmless —> innocent —> tak bersalah
- harmony —> concord —> harmoni, keselarasan
- haunt —> hang-out —> tempat yang sering dikunjungi
- headstone —> gravestone —> nisan
- healing —> curative —> penyembuhan
- heighten —> intensify —> memperkuat
- heir —> inheritor —> pewaris
- highlight —> spotlight —> menyoroti
homosexual—>gay—>homoseks- honest —> sincere —> jujur
- hoover —> vacuum —> alat pengisap debu
- however —> notwithstanding —> namun
- huge —> vast —> besar, luas
- huge, immense —> enormous —> besar, besar
- idiot —> fool —> orang bodoh
- if —> provided —> jika
- illegal —> unlawful —> tak sah
- illusion —> phantasm —> khayalan
- imagine —> visualize —> membayangkan
- imitate —> mimic —> meniru
- immediate —> prompt —> segera, cepat
- impolite —> rude —> kasar
- in addition —> moreover —> sebagai tambahan
- inadequate —> insufficient —> tidak memadai
- increasingly —> more and more —> makin
- indeniable —> indisputable —> tak dapat disangkal lagi
- indifferent —> detached —> acuh tak acuh
- indirect —> oblique —> tidak langsung
- indisputable —> undeniable —> tak terbantahkan
- indistinct —> vague —> kabur, samar, tak jelas
- infer —> deduce —> mengambil kesimpulan
- influx —> inflow —> pemindahan
- inform —> notify —> memberitahu
- innocent —> blameless —> tidak bersalah, suci
- insanity —> madness —> penyakit jiwa
- insight —> perception —> wawasan
- instant —> immediate —> segera
- intellect —> mind —> intelek
- intellectual —> highbrow —> cendekiawan
- intelligent —> clever —> cerdas
- intentionally —> deliberately —> sengaja
- interaction —> interplay —> saling mempengaruhi
- intermediary —> middleman —> perantara
- interpretation —> constructionย —> tafsiran
- intestine —> gut —> usus
- intolerable —> insupportable —> tak tertahankan
- intolerant —> illiberal —> tidak toleran, licik
- intuition —> instinct —> intuisi, naluri
- investigate —> enquire —> menyelidiki
- irritate, bother —> annoy —> mengganggu
- isolated —> remoted —> terpencil
- jeans —> denims —> sejenis celana panjang
- justice of the peace —> magistrate —> hakim setempat
- keen —> eager —> tekun, sangat ingin
- landing —> touchdown —> pendaratan
- lesson, course —> class —> pelajaran
- lethargic —> torpid —> lesu, malas
- lively —> animated —> mengasyikkan/lincah
- loafer —> idler —> orang pemalas
- lobby —> foyer —> lobi, tempat menunggu
- loney —> isolated —> asingkan
- lost —> missing —> hilang
- low season —> off-season —> musim sepi / peceklik
- lucky —> fortunate —> beruntung
- lying —> mendacity —> bohong
- main —> leading —> utama, pokok
- mainly —> chiefly —> terutama
- manage —> administer —> mengatur
- manage —> cope —> mengelola, mengatasi
- manufacture —> fabricate —> pembuatan
- many —> numerous —> banyak
- massacre —> bloodbath —> pembunuhan besar-besaran, pembantaian
- mean —> intend —> berarti
- meaningful —> significant —> berarti
- meanwhile —> in the meantime —> sementara itu
- memorize —> learn —> menghafal, mempelajari
- memory —> reminiscence —> ingatan, kenangan
- mental —> intellectual —> berkaitan dengan batin / jiwa
- midday —> noon —> tengah hari
- mimic —> imitate —> meniru
- misinterpret —> misread —> salah menafsirkan
- misleading —> deceptive —> menyesatkan
- miss —> overlook —> kehilangan
- missing —> lacking —> hilang
- misunderstand —> misconceive —> salah pengertian
- mix up —> confuse —> mengacaukan, membingungkan
- model —> mannequin —> model, pragawati
- modern —> contemporary —> modern, sejaman
- moment —> second —> saat
- mood —> temper —> suasana hati
- motionless —> immobile —> diam, tak bergerak
- murder —> homicide —> pembunuhan
- nearly —> almost —> hampir
- neglected —> uncared for —> terlantar
- neutral —> impartial —> tidak berat sebelah
- nonsense —> rubbish —> omong kosong
- notebook —> pocket book —> buku catatan
- notes —> paper money —> catatan
- notorious —> infamous —> terkenal jahat
- nowadays —> today —> sekarang
- obstacle —> impediment —> hambatan
- obvious —> apparent —> nyata, jelas
- obvious —> transparent —> jelas
- occur —> arise —> terjadi, menjadi
- operate —> function —> beroperasi, berfungsi
- opportunity —> possibility —> kesempatan
- opposite —> contrary —> sebaliknya
- organization —> association —> persatuan
- out of date —> obsolete —> kadaluarsa / kuno
- outlive —> survive —> bertahan hidup
- overtake —> overhaul —> berhasil menyusul
- pair —> twosome —> pasangan
- particularly —> especially —> terutama
- passion —> ardour —> bersemangat
- peaceful —> peaceable —> tenang, damai
- peak —> zenith —> puncak
- peddle —> hawk —> menjajakan
- perfume —> fragrance —> wangi
- perhaps, possibly —> maybe —> mungkin, mungkin
- picky —> choosy —> pilih-pilih, cerewet, rewel
- planned —> deliberate —> berencana
- plausible —> believable —> dapat dipercaya, masuk akal
- play down —> minimize —> meremehkan
- polite —> well mannered —> sopan
- poll —> ballot —> suara, surat suara
- poor, naughty —> bad (not good) —> nakal, tidak baik
- portray —> painting —> menggambarkan
- postpone —> put sth. back —> menunda
- precedence —> priority —> hak lebih tinggi
- preceding —> previous —> terdahulu, sebelumnya
- precisely —> exactly —> tepat
- predict —> foretell —> meramalkan
- premature —> untimely —> terlalu cepat
- preserve —> maintain —> memelihara
- previously —> formerly —> sebelumnya
- principle —> precept —> asas, aturan
- priority —> precedence —> prioritas
- privatize —> denationalise —> memprivatisasi
- profitable —> ecocnomic —> menguntungkan
- propose —> suggest —> mengusulkan
- protest —> demostrate —> protes, demonstrasi
- question —> impeach —> menyangsikan
- quotation —> citation —> kutipan
- quote —> cite —> mengutip
- raise —> bring up —> menaikkan
- raise, promote —> elevate —> meningkatkan, mempromosikan
- rare —> infrequent —> langka
- raw —> uncooked —> mentah, tak dimasak
- reach —> arrive —> tiba, sampai
- reasonably —> moderately —> layak
- rebel —> insurgent —> pemberontak
- rebellion —> uprising —> pemberontakan
- receptionist —> clerk —> pramuniaga
- reduction —> discount —> pengurangan, potongan
- refer to —> consult —> mengacu pada
- reflect —> mirror —> mencerminkan
- refrain —> chorus —> ulangan (lagu)
- regret —> remorse —> penyesalan
- regret —> rue —> penyesalan
- regular —> steady —> tetap
- reintroduce —> bring back —> membawa/mengajukan kembali
- relate —> narrate —> menceritakan
- relevant —> applicable —> berhubungan
- reliable —> trustworthy —> terpercaya
- reply —> answer —> menjawab
- reply —> respond —> balasan
- represent —> symbolize —> melambangkan
- reputation —> repute —> reputasi
- resist —> withstand —> menolak, menentang
- restrict —> confine —> membatasi
- resume —> renew —> lanjut, mulai lagi
- reveal —> disclose —> mengungkapkan
- right —> correct —> benar
- rigid —> inflexible —> kaku
- risky —> dicy —> berisiko
- roller —> curler —> rol, alat pengeriting
- rubbish —> garbage —> sampah
- rude —> impolite —> kasar
- rumour —> hearsay —> isu
- run out —> expire —> keluar
- rush —> hurry —> buru-buru
- sample —> pattern —> contoh
- satan —> devil —> setan
- satisfactory —> passable —> memuaskan, cukup baik
- seem —> appear —> kelihatan, nampak
- seize —> grab —> meraih
- selfish —> egocentric —> egois
- senseless —> mindless —> bodoh, tanpa pikir panjang
- sensitive —> touchy —> peka
- sentence —> condemn —> menghukum
- serviette —> napkin —> serbet makan
- set up —> establish —> mempersiapkan
- shame —> disgrace —> malu
- shortage —> scarcity —> kekurangan
- shut —> close —> menutup
- sign —> signal —> tanda
- silly —> foolish —> bodoh
- silly —> stupid —> bodoh
- single —> unmarried —> tidak ada pasangan alias jomblo :d
- sofa —> couch —> sofa, sejenis dipan
- soil —> earth —> tanah
- sparkle —> glitter —> berkilau
- specific —> particular —> spesifik
- speculation —> hypothesis —> spekulasi
- spine —> backbone —> tulang punggung, tulang belakang
- sprint —> dash —> cepat
- start —> begin —> mulai
- starvation —> hunger —> mati kelaparan
- steady —> stable —> tetap, stabil
- stock —> inventory —> persediaan
- stomach —> belly —> perut
- strange —> unusual —> aneh
- stress —> emphasize —> menekankan
- structure —> constitution —> struktur
- stubborn —> cussed —> keras kepala
- stubborn —> obdurate —> keras kepala
- stupid —> dull (person) —> bodoh
- summary —> abstract —> ringkasan
- summary —> precis —> ringkasan
- sunset —> sundown —> matahari terbenam
- supervise —> oversee —> mengawasi
- supply —> provide —> menyediakan
- suppose, assume —> imagine —> kira, asumsikan, bayangkan
- sweet —> candy —> manis
- tailor-made —> tailored —> buatan penjahit
- temporary —> transitority —> sementara
- tender —> bid —> tawaran
- terrible —> awful —> buruk sekali, mengerikan
- terrorism —> terror —> terorisme
- testomony —> testament —> surat
- the aristocracy —> nobility —> kaum ningrat
- the rest —> remainder —> sisanya
- thing —> object —> benda
- things —> matters —> berbagai hal
- thoughtful —> considerate —> bijaksana
- thoughtless —> inconsiderate —> tak memperhatikan
- timely —> well timed —> tepat waktu
- tip —> gratuity —> semacam uang yang diberikan
- tornado —> twister —> angin topan
- total —> complete —> seluruh
- totally —> completely —> dengan sepenuhnya/seluruhnya
- tough —> hard —> sulit
- toxic —> poisonous —> racun
- trace, tip —> hint —> jejak, tip
- tremble —> quake —> gemetar
- unbearable —> insufferable —> tak tertahankan
- unexpected —> unforeseen —> tiba-tiba, tak terduga
- unfaithful —> untrue —> tak setia
- unharmed —> unhurt —> tanpa luka
- unhurt —> uninjured —> tanpa cedera
- unlucky —> unfortunate —> sial
- unpleasant —> disagreeable —> tidak menyenangkan
- unspoken —> unstated —> yg tdk dikatakan
- unusual —> uncommon —> luar biasa
- urgent —> pressing —> penting
- useless —> vain —> tak berguna, sia-sia
- valid —> legitimate —> sah
- vanish —> disappear —> lenyap, menghilang
- vinaigrette —> french dressing —> mayones
- vineyard —> winery —> kebun anggur
- virtually —> practically —> sebenarnya
- vital —> imperative —> sangat penting
- voiceless —> unvoiced —> tak bersuara
- waterproof coat —> mackintosh —> mantel tahan air
- weird —> bizarre —> aneh
- whether —> if —> apakah
- wicked, evil —> depraved —> jahat, jahat
- worthless —> nugatory —> tak berguna
- worthless —> valueless —> tak berguna
Demikianlah 456 contoh sinonim dalam bahasa inggris beserta artinya lengkap yang dapat kami hadirkan untuk sahabat BDBI semua. Semoga bermanfaat ya, terima kasih. ๐
Image adopted from: images.google.co.id
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terimakasiiiy, sangat membantu
Sama-sama…. senang bisa berbagi. (y)
Terima kasih banyak ya ๐
Sama-sama. ๐ Terimakasih juga telah berkunjung di blog sederhana ini. ๐